120-LED Light Therapy Cap FDA-Approved Solution for Thicker, Healthier Hair Growth

The treatment lasts twenty minutes and produces a pleasant heat that stimulates the scalp. It's worth the price, the color is gray and fits any head size.
120-LED Light Therapy Cap FDA-Approved Solution for Thicker, Healthier Hair Growth

120-LED Light Therapy Cap FDA-Approved Solution for Thicker, Healthier Hair Growth

120-LED Light Therapy Cap FDA-Approved Solution for Thicker, Healthier Hair Growth

It's not meant to sit like a knit hat. LOL. I'm happy with it.
120-LED Light Therapy Cap FDA-Approved Solution for Thicker, Healthier Hair Growth

I'm not sure if it promotes hair growth. I'll tell you in six months. It's huge by the way. Feels like I'm wearing a traffic cone. The Chinese must be laughing at us for wearing this.
120-LED Light Therapy Cap FDA-Approved Solution for Thicker, Healthier Hair Growth

But guess what? LEDs are LEDs. How many per square inch is the difference and this cap does what it says. Also buy growth serum that you can use right before using the cap. The results will shock you. However, you can't expect too much because the follicles were dormant for over 10 years.
120-LED Light Therapy Cap FDA-Approved Solution for Thicker, Healthier Hair Growth

Looking forward to seeing progress. I thought you charge it and use it but you have to plug it in to turn it on. Not a big deal for me though.
120-LED Light Therapy Cap FDA-Approved Solution for Thicker, Healthier Hair Growth

120-LED Light Therapy Cap FDA-Approved Solution for Thicker, Healthier Hair Growth

I'm praying for some hair growth!
120-LED Light Therapy Cap FDA-Approved Solution for Thicker, Healthier Hair Growth
