120-LED Light Therapy Cap FDA-Approved Solution for Thicker, Healthier Hair Growth

My husband will be using it as a gentle aid for hair loss. We will keep you posted on the results. I will also be lending it to another person in the family for neurological issues and seeing if it produces results in that regard. My husband says it relaxes him.
120-LED Light Therapy Cap FDA-Approved Solution for Thicker, Healthier Hair Growth

The packaging is also excellent. I use it to "store" the cap between uses, which is convenient.
120-LED Light Therapy Cap FDA-Approved Solution for Thicker, Healthier Hair Growth

Not used yet, so can't say if it works. Which is a process anyway. I got it for hair loss, thinning hair.
120-LED Light Therapy Cap FDA-Approved Solution for Thicker, Healthier Hair Growth

So far, it seems to work just as well as the $1000 Sharper Image products. Pictured is my kid with her gorgeous curls trying it out because she has to do everything I do lol.
120-LED Light Therapy Cap FDA-Approved Solution for Thicker, Healthier Hair Growth

120-LED Light Therapy Cap FDA-Approved Solution for Thicker, Healthier Hair Growth

it sits comfortably on the head, is lightweight, and heats up just enough to be I'm not sure if it really helps with hair growth, but only time will tell.
120-LED Light Therapy Cap FDA-Approved Solution for Thicker, Healthier Hair Growth

I bought four, one for me, one for my bedridden mother and one for each of my best friends. They both recommended I buy it.
120-LED Light Therapy Cap FDA-Approved Solution for Thicker, Healthier Hair Growth

120-LED Light Therapy Cap FDA-Approved Solution for Thicker, Healthier Hair Growth

pretty quick arrival
120-LED Light Therapy Cap FDA-Approved Solution for Thicker, Healthier Hair Growth
